Monday, May 30, 2016

Beautiful Purpose

Every feature on our body has a purpose.
Your face is your personality - hair showing spirit, eyes showing soul, and lips showing emotion. Your arms and hands show potential - arms always reaching, hands always working, fingers delicately crafting. Your center shows your focus - your chest is for passion, your back is for resilience. Your legs and feet show strength - your legs move you forward, your feet keep you steady, your toes keep you ready. 
These are the basics that form something special, but what makes you unique are the details. Every freckle, every mark, every eyelash, they all serve a purpose in making you yourself.
And just like all that, our scars serve a purpose too. They tell our stories. They show where we've been, how far we've come. They show our will. They show our highest and lowest points. Our scars make us extraordinary. Our scars make us beautiful. Our scars make us human.

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